There are several  unusual places to visit in Australia that will make your tour exciting. Australia has a concoction of places that will appeal to different kinds of travelers. The unusual places to visit in Australia are worth your time definitely.

Farina, unusual places to visit in Australia

The ghost town of Farina makes for one of the unusual places to visit in Australia. Get geared for a seven hour drive that will take you to this once bustling town that’s now in ruins. The closest the people live in vicinity are at the Farina station. Some of the old buildings have now been considered for restoration purpose. Farina is indeed one of the unusual places to visit in Australia but it also has a lot of historic significance. This stark and desolate place has a great history behind its existence.

Murphy’s haystack, unusual places to visit in Australia

One of the odd formations in Australia Murphy’s haystack are odd looking but naturally formed insel rock formations. The formations are estimated to be almost 1500 million years old. The Haystack are placed between Eyre Peninsula and Streaky bay.

Pearson island, unusual places to visit in Australia

Pearson Island is a 238 meter high piece of granite. The granite pops out to almost 100 meter level above the sea. The Pearson Island is unusual because of the way it project above sea level. Located off Flinders Island, it is a windswept. The island is very cold. There are several stories that also make the island amongst the unusual places to visit in Australia.

The painted desert, unusual places to visit in Australia

Due to the erosion of the residue from an ancient inland sea, the Painted Desert got it multiple colours. The colour formation appear as though the desert has been painted. This picturesque Painted Desert is amongst the unusual places to visit in Australia. Located at Arckaringa, northeast of Coober Peddy, the desert looks amazing and beautiful during sunrise and sunset.

Naracoorte caves, unusual places to visit in Australia

The staggering cave system at Naracoorte includes some pretty megafauna’s skeleton and fossil finds. During extremely hot days it is an absolute treat to visit these caves. The national park has 26 different caves. Avoid taking children. As for adults, the place is a must visit.

Dalhousie springs, unusual places to visit in Australia

On the edge of the Simpson Desert is located at Witjira national park. There are approximately sixty artesian thermal springs. The spring water ranges from 38 to 43 degree centigrade. THE springs are located in the center of Australia therefore it is recommended you stay for a day or two. The springs are amongst the unusual places to visit in Australia.

Mt Gambier’s blue lake, unusual places to visit in Australia

Mount Gambier’s is known as one of the best spots in Australia. What makes it worth a visit in the unusual places to visit in Australia list is its remarkable blue turquoise color. The color appears so from November to March. Once the months are over it changes its color back to steel. The lake is situated amidst an extinct volcano.