Galle Srilanka also the administrative capital of the Southern province. Galle was once the main port on the island before the Portuguese arrived in Srilanka today itis the fourth largest city in Sri Lanka after Colombo, Kandy & Jaffna. During the Dutch Colonial period, Galle witnessed a lot of development. Hence till date Srilanka has managed to preserve the massive interaction between the natives and the Portuguese in the works of the Portuguese architectural styles and the native traditions. A tour to Galle will take you through so many work of true craftsmanship, precision work and some heritage sites.

Places to visit in Galle Sri Lanka

  • Galle fort is a declared world heritage site by UNESCO and stands as the largest fortress remaining in Asia that was built by the European settlers.
    • Visit the lighthouse at Galle fort
    • Enjoy the scenic view of the grass clad walls of Galle fort
  • The National Maritime Museum is a prominent landmark in Galle as it is also a natural harbor
    • Take a walk on the Marine walk and Galle harbor across the bay.
  • Amangala is a historic hotel that’s definitely worth a visit.
  • Home to famous cricketers, Galle is known to be home to the famous Galle international stadium. This cricket ground was completely destroyed in the 2004 tsunami but was rebuilt and restored well. The Stadium is also famous for offering the most picturesque view of its surroundings.
  • For Some holistic tour
    • St.Marys Cathedral  found by the Jesuit Priests attracts tourists from different religious communities and not just Christians
    • Shiva temple is a prominent place of worship in Galle
    • All saints church in Galle fort
    • Visit  Meera mosque in Galle fort

Geographical stand outs& Weather

  • A prominent geographical feature of Galle is the Rumassala in Unawatuna. It is a large mound like hill that serves as a safe guard to the Galle harbor.
  • Gin Ganga or Gin River as it is commonly known as is an important river in Galle. It starts from Gongala Kanda and passes through several villages and finally reaches the sea at Ginthota.
  • Galle witnesses tropical rain forest weather. At Galle you will seldom witness dry season except for the months of January and February. Galle’s weather is another reason why it attracts so many visitors. With such favorable weather conditions Galle is undoubtedly a favorite place for travelers and tourists to plan a trip to.

Galle is a small city but a beautiful city. The majority of people dwelling in Galle are Sinhalese and the Moor communities who are a minority also exist near the ancient port of Galle. Galle’s natural appeal has attracted several outsiders who have found a second home in Galle.  Many holidayhomes in Galle are owned by foreigners who are also residents of Galle. A tour to Galle Sri Lanka will give you a firsthandanswer to what makes Galle a favorable place to plan a trip to.