Macquarie islands, Perth holds a lot of universal value. The island is beautiful and offers a unique image of nature and its creations. A visit to Macquarie islands, Perth will show you the unique fauna it houses. The mountain bluffs, the congregation of Penguins, the albatross and more make for spectacular attraction in the Macquarie islands, Perth.

Climate in Macquarie islands, Perth

Macquarie islands witnesses’ snowfall from June till October. The islands temperature is mostly dependent on the sea. Therefore for most months the average temperature of the island is freezing cold. Macquarie Island is worth visiting especially during the summer season. The island would make for a chilling place to visit and beat the otherwise scorching Australian heat. Macquarie Island is one of the cloudiest places on Earth.

Exciting history of Ecological balance in the Macquarie islands, Perth

During the 1810’s the island was introduced to the rats and rabbits and several other animals that were not originally from the island. The rats were brought to the island because of the infestation on the ship. The rats survived and multiplied and therefore cats were introduced to keep them away from damaging the stored food. The rabbits multiplied in plenty to as they were introduced to the island to serve as food. However they caused a lot of damage to the vegetation. Slowly Feral cats were introduced but they started killing the Seabirds at an alarming rate. So a lot of feral cats were culled and the seabird number increased immensely.

The varied measure to maintain the ecological balance of the island continued. As of 2014 the eco balanced Macquarie Island was declared pest free. The Macquarie Island, Perth witnessed this success after stringent efforts of pest eradication for seven years.

The congregation and Heritage site, Macquarie island, Perth

The Macquarie islands offer a beautiful sight of nature. You will find this amazing congregation of Penguins. The amazing looking seals share the region with the penguins. It is a splendid sight to watch the congregation of the Royal Penguin rookery.

The island of Macquarie lies in the latitudes where winds and currents are very strong thus the latitude is referred to as furious fifties. It is because of the storms and strong winds the island was sculpted.

Macquarie islands makes for an interesting stopover in Perth, Australia mainly because of its exquisite wildlife. The Penguins dominate the scene of attraction especially during the breeding season. Macquarie Island houses the Endemic Royal penguins and the Elephant seals along with Sea lions and Albatross.

Macquarie Island is geologically very unique. It’s only in the Macquarie Island you will find the rocks from the earth’s mantle are exposed at the sea level. The island has had several programs put in place to ensure the natural ecosystem is maintained again. This is definitely a long shot but it is in place and you can meet the authorities to learn more about these Eco-balance programs.

A visit to the sandy bay will show you the beautiful Royal penguins walking majestically. The unique geological exposures have earned the island an entry as the UNESCO world heritage site.